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Four Clubs
Could you help me finish this crossword, please. 1ac informal eating places including hot ribs 6 Ltrs c?a?f? I have out Canadian for 1dn (aNorth American I'd put up in old part of Middle East. 25ac...
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Four Clubs
Could you help me with the final clue, please. Contest truth of study and it's conclusion (4 lts) d?n? I think it it DENY but cannot see why. Many thanks. Four Clubs...
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Four Clubs
Please can you help with my final clue. I think I must have something wrong. 33dn A good quality (6 Ltrs) ?i?t?e. Many thanks Four Clubs...
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Four Clubs
Please could you help me with the last two clues. 26ac Nameless comrade did some cooking 5 Ltrs ??i?d 22dn Informal discussion in party - excellent 6 Ltrs ?o???b. Many thanks. Four Clubs...
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Four Clubs
16ac Close main line )4lts) se?l. I think it is seal but cannot see why! 20ac Don for example, follows his lead in clubs (6lts) d??v?r Again think it is driver but cannot see why!! Many thanks Four...
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Four Clubs
Please can you help me complete this crossword. 17ac word twice used before "lama sabachthani" by Jesus on the cross. Thought it was Eloi but there are only three spaces available. E?i. Many...
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Four Clubs
28ac It isn't commonly edited, cut or spoilt 7ltrs t?a?t?d The only word I can come up with is "toasted" but cannot see the connection. Many thanks. Four Clubs...
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Four Clubs
Could you help me with 20dn, please. subatomic particle (8 Ltrs) n?u?r?n? I'm not sure if it could be neutrons or neutrino? Many thanks. Four Clubs...
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Four Clubs
Could you confirm 25ac, please. Bound to get out of jail SPRING and not SPRUNG. Cannot decide! Many thanks. Four Clubs...
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Four Clubs
Could you help me with the final clue, please. I think I must have gone wrong somewhere ! 30dn One aspect of personal grooming (8 Ltrs) h-i-c-r-. Many thanks. Four Clubs...
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Four Clubs
Please can you help me with the final clue. Achieve victory, pushing back border around state (7 Ltrs) p?e?a?l The only word I can come up with is prevail but cannot see why it should be. any help...
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Four Clubs
Could you help me with the last clue, please. 13dn Saintly shoemaker dropping in for snack (5ltrs) p-i-p I think I must have something wrong - I have put thespians for 12ac (They apply religious rule,...
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Four Clubs
Please could you help me with the last clue. 6dn Person sampling American writer or minor versifier (9ltrs) p-e-a-t-r. The only thing I can come up with is "poetaster" but cannot see why!!...
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Four Clubs
Please could you help me finish this crossword. I seem to have come to a complete full stop. Must have put something in which is incorrect! 25dn Full of energy and enthusiasm (8ltrs) s-a-(n)-e-. 35ac...
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Four Clubs
Please could you help me with the last two clues. 6dn One expelled from school and criticized moved elsewhere (10ltrs) t-a-s-a-e-. 24ac Was left holding pole (7ltrs) e-i-t-d. I want to put evicted or...
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Four Clubs
Could you help me with the final clue, please. 8dn Fiery temperament (5ltrs) b-o-d. I can only think of "blood", but really am at a loss!! This is the first time I have used the new layout...
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Four Clubs
Please could you confirm (or not) 35dn in the Times 2 crossword. Musical setting; disposition (11ltrs) a-r-d-e-e-t The only word I can come up with is "abridgement" but the definition...
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Four Clubs
Please could you confirm (or not) the following two answers. I'm sure I have heard the answer to 2dn but cannot prove it. 2dn exclamation of surprise (6,5ltrs) s-a-e- a-i-e (snakes alive) 11dn One...
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Four Clubs
Please could you help me. I think I must have gone horribly wrong somewhere!! 68dn Card game (5ltrs) 0---e 75ac Worthy of adoration (7ltrs) s---i-n Hopefully moonshine is correct for illicit alcohol...
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Four Clubs
Apologies for the first try - computer being very temperamental tonight. Could you help me finish this crossword, please. 12dn Criminal once forced to row a ship (6,5ltrs) g-(l)-e- s-a-e Assuming...

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