Back again. Could you please confirm, or not, the following clues. 10ac Pondered withiut reaching conclusion, however (6ltrs) t?o?g?THOUGH 20ac Funny actor is not producer of amusing pictures (10ltrs)...
Could you help me with the following clues, please. Hopefully they will enable me to co plete the rest!! 16ac Some fieldwork producing monarchist spiel? (12 Ltrs) ??????o?k??? I think 9dn Profligate...
Please can you help me again with the following clues. 3dn Wrong subtractions standing in the way of enlightenment (12ltrs) o?sc?r?n?i?t OBSCURANTIST but I cannot see why.. 25dn Notice rising...
Please can you help me with the following clues.11ac Second twist of fate, even keeping new precautionary measure (6,3 ltrs) s????? n??. 13ac Money in many countries held by entrepreneur, ostensibly...
Good morning. Back again. Could you help me with the final clues, please. Quite a few unfortunately. Audible expression of sadness, in a sense, cut short (4ltrs) ??g? I think the first letter may be...
Please could you help me with a couple of clues which I hope will help me finish this crossword. 13ac Relating to hope, since religious and sensible (12 ltrs) ?s?i???i???? 12ac Imposed punishment of a...
Please could you confirm the following for me. Refusal to allow part of UK to break agreement (6trs) ?e?i?l denial? Part of passport allowing entrance (6ltrs) p?r??? Portal? Old projectile making...
Please can you help me with a few clues. 2dn indicate one's holding end of ladder as support for climber )7ltrs) t?e???? - is this trellis? also 12dn e.g local broadcast assembled work of artist...
Please could you help me with a few clues. 2dn soul of wit exemplified in single craft (3-5) ?n? l???r. 17dn a cop went crazy in African city (4,4) c?p? ??w? I presume it must be Cape ?????? 23dn fail...
Please could you help me with my last clues. 6ac Cape in fashion, one of the things grudgingly worn on shoulders (4ltrs).?h?p 8ac. Call for peace, say, that controls exposure when shooting occurs...
I wonder if you can help me, please. A fun and free weekly event at many Trust estates for anyone interested in Trust 10 - I have put running for the answer re Trust 10 (7ltrs) p?r???(n). Many thanks...
Please could you help me finish this crossword. 1dn Advocate having hours reduced in plant (8ltrs) c?a?p?o? The only word I can think of is champion - campion being if the pink family but cannot see...
Please can you help me with the following clues. 1dn Get engaged repeatedly in scheme Holmes hatched (4ltrs) m?s? The only thing I can think of is. Iss but cannot see why. 19ac In war, can accept...
Coy (7ltrs) r?g?i?h The only word I can think of is roguish, but didn't thinknit meant coy !! I think all my letters are correct but welcome your thoughts, please. Many thanks. Four Clubs
Please can you help me finish this crossword.Like part ofMont Blanc - south of it, a climber almost falls. (7ltrs) i?a?i?n. Is it Italian and if so why. Many thanks. Four Clubs