33a,Names of the nine US probes launched in 1961-5,three of which transmitted photos of the moon to earth.(7) R?n??r? My wife said Rangers is this correct. Thankyou for any help.
13a hard amount rejected for a soft mass 4L -u-h 15a friuts variable could be rough 5L R-S-Y AND 20A MAKES EFFORT AND OLD REST IS SHATTERED 6L e-e-t- many thanks
A subtle distinction N???T? Stringed instrument of Celtic origin ????H A coming first ???C?????E Lest I? / ??S? Type of reflecting telescope N???O???? Offensively repugnant ???O?T?Y Digs up surface...
19 across - strength, resource? A???T 16 down - Superficial, surface C???E?I? 25 across - a fine point, a small detail or subtle distinction N?C?T? Many thanks in advance.
1d clue avian songs or cries (4,4) I have finished the rest of puzzle and have bird ?a?l I feel it must be call but I don't recognise that as plural. Can anyone explain or offer different solution...
re earlier post 20d 6L bitterness on a ship thought it could be gallon then was given galiot just checked a site that gives solutions he says gallon in his grid apart from bitterness gall on cant put...