For the past 2 weeks now, I have been suffering with bad acid indigestion - I have never suffered from this before at all - today its been really bad as such I have had a bad stomach ache and felt so...
I've just been to lunch with a colleague and she held her knife like a pen. Bizarrely, it annoyed me!!! So, does anybody else out there have an irrational dislike of something?
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theres a shadow ghost in my house. I keep seeing it out of the corner of my eye. Things i have noticed relating to it are:Black, un-natural shadows moving out the corner of my eye,...
My darling 21yr old daughter has just told me what she is giving me for my VERY significant birthday in August: a trip to New York to see my brother who I have not seen in 12yrs, and to shop til we...
El Pais newspaper has confirmed that the Spanish Police have arrested a Italian man for the possible abduction of Maddie. This is a respectable newspaper, so let's hope.
oh my oh my, i've just seen the spice girls (umm) not quite appropriate now wheeled out for a photo shoot. What on earth does victoria beckham look like. Views?
After 20 years together my mum & 'step-dad' today decided they are going to get married, sadly they haven't had the greatest times together as he was diagnosed with MS in 1991 & confined to a...
We,thats me,my hubby and son all had our checkups yesterday. I was suprised to learn that dentists now have to check for oral cancer. Our dentist told us as GP's don't do this,its now up to the...
will westerns ever be the same again after cold mountain,I mean , are the following phrases out of context. "Lets take em from behind men" "Now move your hand, reaaaal slow. Ride em cowboy. Lets go...
watching bill hicks and i just wet myself at this clip. you can use some of his lines after the smoking ban. best line " i think its terrible coming up to smokers and you go up to cripples...
I am going to see a Medium for the 1st time next week, i was just wondering what are people's thoughts?
Are they real, Do you beleive in that kind of thing & what to expect?
A woman who was ridiculed for her ginger hair has been awarded ?18,000. The woman was harassed in her place of work - a kebab shop. The woman said she was surprised at the amount she was awarded but...
Is Summer a chav name for a girl or does it conjure up images of middle England in a bygone age, thus making it rather a quaint and bourgeoise nomenclature.
Has anybody been on the above medication? my doctor has recently prescribed these for me but the list of 'possible' side affects looks horrific. Has anyone else taken these and how did you find them?...
after talking to boo on another thread the thought came to mind. why do people make fun of others misfortunes? is it an attempt to hurt or upset people? is it an attempt to make themselves look bigger...
Obviously not me! but I think there are some on here who must be social misfits, to get so personal with someone on Ab, who they have never met. And also think there is a certain "jealousy" element...