Can any recommend any exercised that would reduce the size of boobs? I just bought a new bra today and am depressed 'cos it has three hooks and eyes on the back not the normal two!!!!!!!!!!!! If you...
Hi I am on holiday for two weeks from Monday so I would like to have some nice days out - can anyone recommend some? I live in Shropshire so ideally no more than 2 hours car drive away would be great....
Can everyone just use the report button for what it is for. We are not all spineless maybe some of us want peace and quiet. Whos to say we are not reporting these posts but not carrying it on. Can...
Hi iv been a member of Ab for sometime now but dont really know anyone and would love to get more involved in the 'goings on!!' so heres ur chance to introduce ur self to me....... please tell me 1 ur...
sorry but i read in the paper yesterday that they left them for 50 minutes until they checked the kids for the last time ,and they had left them previous nights too!!!!! now its a bit clearer how...
I am 33 years old, female not THAT overweight - maybe by 4lbs - don't smoke or drink excessively. I have a BP of between 145/90 - 200/120. It can be extremely high. Of course I am concerned and have...
For the past week I've been weeing every 20 minutes or so. I dont feel like I have a uti so im wondering if it could be the start of diabetes. Has anyone with diabetes had this symptom? Im not thirsty...
Ray, just seen you pop up. You are man of taste and class and, in the nicest possible way, kind of remember the 60's. What is your view on Petula Clark? I have just bought her greatest hits and apart...
Hi every body! my question is in interest of the paranormal and where to go to take orbs and ghost pictures in BRISTOL. We can not wait for a good night out!
What are your views on marijuana usage? Do you find it acceptable? Do you use it yourself? What do you think of it compared to alcohol and its associated problems? What about punishments for use and...
Showing my age now. Im trying to think of the words of a song by The Beatles mid/late 60's? All I can remember is "There are places I'll remember all my life and thats for sure Some forever......Thats...
I was chatting to my dad one day during a dinner with just the usual random topics until conversation moved on to talking about some distant relatives of ours and to my amazement he revealed to us we...
Is there any cure for this or does it simply take time to go away? Serc seems to be having some effect, but it's just the length of time taking to clear up that's worrying.
On Saturday afternoon, I said I'd speak to "Chib" McDuff about ma suspension. Following that conversation, the site crashed on the following day and to-day, I'm back. GAUN YIRSEL, McDUFF...
After getting over depression sometime early this year, I've begun to feel the same way I did then. Although alot of things of changed. It seems only one thing has stayed the same.... My parents...