17d everybody's git one so I report about 2 (9) -o-t-r-o- 8a so must one suffer the consequences when the baton is dropped 4,3,5 take the -u-i- thanks in advance
1d trees rightly weep sapphire displacement fir what only gets binned 10 -a-t---p-- 16d the reviewer is herself ,we see, for such reproof 10 c-i-i---m- thanks in advance
Stuck on a dew 19d listen national.geographic about ms a little bird informs 8 n---t--- 28ais this all it amounts to after all 5,5 -----,total 25a this ones made tomeasure whoever is suitable 6-----R...
Stuck on two
27a descriptive of Adam and eve perhaps if that's a fact of life? 3,5,2,2 --e, -i-s-, t-,b-. 17d 500 to begin with and 50p to end with then you'd be down 9 -e-r-s,e- thanks in advance...
18a Put off? Put it there! (2,4,4,6) ?n the l??? ????o? 09a Mag's audience can be figured by circulation (10) SORRY no letters. This is a strange one !! 03d Eee! you'll hear, set in a bar about such a...
Hi stuck on a few 9a Rock.. a bye baby it ain't unless you've iron in the blood for it. 5,5 h-a--, --- a- 5dhow the cyclops glared so intently yed label monstrously 9 ---b-eyed, 6d clues not on but...
Hi stuck on a few 17d *****? Wow readsright wrong lyrics 5,4 or 9 -w-----r- 19d she'll keep.you all on bard if not all at sea for what you can afford 8 l-n---d- 11a tentative suggestion might sound...
Stuck on 2 5dsent elsewhere are many TV and movie productions like Saint Elsewhere 9 -e-o-a-e- 27d brass and bass instruments comes back to join 4 a-u- Thanks in advance...
" re;lax" laughed the officer in the modern venacular to the lads on the siegfried line(3,2,3,4,3)???,??,all, ?a?g,???
4d great ball of fire?not necessarily great, nor on fire(4)?r??...
Stuck on a few 28a holy moly motor of God couldn't it gatecrash even St Peters Gate 10 or 4,6 -o---o-i-e, 18d trite man petrified like Putin 8 m---i--- 6d just another name with replacement heading...