Stuck on 4 6d - Main Central part of a plant usually the stem and root 4 letters a - i -. Looked at axil. Doesn't qualify. 13a - A fur, probably Russian squirrel, used to trim robes in the Middle...
help with the answers please.2d parisian district (4,4) 5d long tailed ceestial body(5) 30d french wine producing region(6) 36d something spoken on stage (5) 9a mistress of a man of rank (9)
25d 12 synodic months 32a 100th of a shekel 19d coarse spirit from grain, rice or sugar got a feeling I'm not being very clever here but think my bio-rhythms nust be down!
3d In physics, a weakly interacting massive particle? 4 letterw W - M - and 15a - - - of = receive a portion? 7 letters P - R - A - E Many thanks in advance Big Steve