Missing one as usual if anyone can help 44a Another name for the Valley Oak or California White Oak, Quercus lobata (5)O - b - e I've tried about 10 Googles, and nothing new is coming up.
I'm missing a couple if anyone can help:- 40a One of a number of small ropes that are used to draw a sail in. (5) - r - i - 6d Strengthened shoe seam (4)U - l - The first letter above may be wrong.
GK Telegraph puzzlers will remember about the 15d in last week's name of Butterfly I said I was suspicious about this clue and indeed it was Butterflies with this weeks solution as Danaids. yet...
A friend has left a message on my answerphone asking for the following: Ancient Greek colony South-East of Naples. (7) - a - s - u - He did not tell me which crossword it comes from - anyone know the...
Missing one as usual - help appreciated. 27a Large South African antelope, Damaliscus lunatus, thought to be the fastest ungulate. (7) - a - s - b - Google and other searches produce Tsessebe, which...
A comment rather than a question. I managed to finish the crossword without reference to this site, but for one query re 15d. I had DANAID and wanted another letter. I knew there would be discussion...
Missing one answer if anyone can help:- 15d Large tropical butterfly with degenerate forelegs and an unpleasant taste (7) - a - a - d - And who tasted it to know that? - (only kidding) Thanks in...
Last two! 16A Employee to stick with drama series ?T?F?E?Staff something? What and why? 24A Saw numbers appearing ?E?O? Tenor? That makes Wordfinder - TV programme - BEEHLMOSW + 1st of 24A Still there...
Missing a couple of interlinked clues: 3d A place that is consecrated to religion, such as a church or temple (4) - - n - 1a Dickens character from one of his Christmas stories (4,4) W -l - , - - r -...