....we can't afford Christmas this year, and were unable to last year too due to redundancy etc. Just getting back on our feet now after 18 months of breadline living. Anyway, text mu last year to say...
My girl was spayed on wednesday, I need to go out today to go to work and pop to the shop. Can i leave her in her kennel (5ft covered run and bedroom) with the cone of shame on? Shes not doing so well...
.....all day - for supper tonight with coleslaw mini corn on cobs and chips!
What you guys having as your culinery delights this fine evening? Suns shining here too. Happy days!!...
My husband and I are about to apply for a mortgage, does this mean he will be able to see my credit history? In the past (the last time was a month ago) I have occassionally (about 6 times in 2 1/2...
Hi, I've given up smoking but had already bought a pack of 200 and have another 80. I'm loathe to "bin" them as it's over £100 worth, but don't want the temptation of having them in the house. I've...
I am filling an application form in and one of the questions is why did I leave my last job - anyone got a couple of lines to cover this and any other times it will appear?
So it has arrived in Lockerbie, worried about the greenhouse blowing away, garden a swamp, oh to live in Scotland! What is it like where you are, roll on hurricane Betty!
Right long story short i dont 'do' social networking apart from the odd post on here....i dont use facebook etc either. Anyway, i had a chance meeting with a famous person the other month and felt the...
Friend going to Cuba ask me if she could take pork scratchings with her (why would you?), I said no idea, but I know some nice folks who probably would know.
Any ideas/advice please anyone?...
Not a film goer by any stretch of the imagination, but I have watched and re watched my DVD's till I am sick of them. Can't stand a film with too much violence/sex/bad language. Something you could...
Hi, I seem to have a problem with the daily brush of my teeth in that about half way through my 2 minutes, I have a real need to gag and eventually be sick (just once). Its certainly got worse and I...
Up again with the lark after some weird dreams and early morning thought processes forced me to wake, then eventually get up at 3.15am.... Since we got burgled in march this year i cannot sleep...
Currently has a suite telly dining table in for al fresco evenings.....its a shame but....never??!!!!! Anyway...wanting to set up a wee business using it/from it nothing too intrusive as we have a...
Friday. I have the wee white bundle of mischief here. She arrived yesterday evening, still mad as a box of frogs! She's curled up beside me with her head resting on my arm. Typing not so easy. :o} She...