1a Dying tissue effectively consumes radius (7) 9a Nothing in old physics represented astrology etc (9) ..possibly ends in Y 4d Slips with religious texts mostly working round NT book (9) ????I?L?N...
I am planning on opening a food barrow in a market.
It will have a halal menu catering for the local Muslim population.
It is going to be called 'Allah Cart'....
Apparently there is a new TV show starting next week.
It is about a hospital that specialises in treatment for conditions caused by overweight.
It is going to be called O.B.City...
Finding this quiz very difficult would appreciate some help so as to be able to send it in, don't think I will try another despite the fact it is always for a very could cause. My circumstances are...
16a it may fall right in the sink (4) ? ? ? ?
17d one-horn creation (5) ? ? ? ? 0
20a equipment gets one into fancy pasta (8) ? ? ? ? ? O ? I
13d put back two fabrics (7) R ? ? ? ? ? E
1a disturbs awful pest in AMerica (7) ? ? ? ? ? S 8a move slowly in church (4) ? ? ? ? 2d Criticise girl for being box-opener (7) ? ? ? ? O ? ? 12a outspoken aristocrat is unproductive (6) ? ? ? ? ? N...
12a. One certain knack that's reduced kind of exercise (9) 14a. Shaw comes across old and hollow? (6) I have isometric and groove but not sure if they are correct. MTIA