I am considering buying a front and rear dashcam for my, new to me, car but I have a habit of always singing when I'm driving, will it record this? as I am no Celine Dion :)
Does anyone, know of any specs with a slight tint, ones that could be worn indoors and outdoors in dull cloudy weather, ones without prescription, just plain glass.
This eye problem I have, has been going on since at least August, on and off, I have had 3 lots of antibiotics a 3 day course of steroids, and have been told if it doesn't clear up this time, they...
The form said, the person needs to be 18 or over, hold a current passport, and not live at the same address as the applicant or be related to them, so I chose a person who qualified for all those...
I have had 3 different lots of antibiotics and a 3 day course of steroids for this, the lump is still there, no pain, and the left eye is half closed compared to the right eye, I have a gp appointment...
Three times now, I have been prescribed antibiotics, for what the Doctor thought was, sinusitis, as I have tenderness in the corner of my eye/also to the left of the bridge of my nose on touch, also...
I am hoping to take my Grandaughter to Spain or Portugal next year just the 2 of us, can anyone recommend holiday companies that are not to sky high with their pricing tia
I have just had a new tv delivered, without, would you believe the remote, I have contacted the appropriate person regarding this, but in the meantime is there anyway I can set this tv up without the...
My Grandaughter age 11 stays with me 2 or 3 times a week, and this morning on the way to taking her to school, I found a vape which she denied, it was hers or knowing what it was, I told her I was...