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We're having keema curry with basmati rice. Or "Rice and Peas" as my husband calls it, with a rather good West Indian accent. Washed down with a full-bodied well balanced lemonade squash....
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My Grandaughter age 11 stays with me 2 or 3 times a week, and this morning on the way to taking her to school, I found a vape which she denied, it was hers or knowing what it was, I told her I was...
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I have just had a new tv delivered, without, would you believe the remote, I have contacted the appropriate person regarding this, but in the meantime is there anyway I can set this tv up without the...
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Does anyone know the reason, he always sits in the back of the cars and she sits in the front
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Go ahead today?
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If an elderly person, gives up their drivers licence, but wishes someone to drive their car, (as a named driver) for them to be able to get around, should the insurance documents, still show, the...
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I cannot remove the dust caps from my 2 front tyres, its like they have welded themselves to the valves.
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Does anyone know, if there is such a thing, as a slip on walking boot, as I have terrible trouble, bending to do up laces.
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About an hour ago I had, Lamb Shank, New Potatoes, carrots, and broccoli and a Yorkshire pudding, I'm now hungry again, surely that can't be right.
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I live near fields, and wondered if there was a door screen, I could put over my back door, to stop field mice getting in, (they have in the past) so I would be able to leave, the door open in this...
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Okay, what have you had for breakfast ? ;) Me? OST so Simple porridge with segments of tangerine,strawberries and black grapes, mmmmmm lovely ;0))))...
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I visited the doctor, with all over body pain, and stiffness, he asked me, if it was in my muscles or bones, I told him the pain is in both, I am now being tested, again, for Rheumatoid Arthritis,...
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Lots of Tories are considering running… who would you like for the top job?...
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OH laid underneath his truck to tighten a bolt, while looking up he started to feel dizzy and sick, he stayed there for a few minutes, managed to crawl out still feeling dizzy and sick, managed to get...
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How can I find out the value of a 2004 Mercedes 350 with very low mileage?
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Does anyone have it? If yes is it any good?
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When I go to put petrol in my car the trigger keeps clicking off, as if the tank is full although I know it isn't, I thought maybe it was the pump, but it does this everytime I go to put petrol in,...
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I have just joined Virgin for my TV, Internet and phone, and it seems they need to send me an 02 sim card to keep the monthly price low anyone else had this.
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I know I have Arthritis in my lower back, and hands, recently it's been waking me in the night and I have a dull aching pain in my toes, elbows and knees, and sometimes my hip, so I feel its gradually...
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Are relatively young people really having their teeth removed so that dental implants can be fitted? Or are these brilliantly white, oversized teeth veneers? If they are veneers, can they be removed?...

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