I am on 10mg of Citilapram and have been for over 8 years, I want to come off it, do you think I can just cut down, ( to maybe 1 every other day for a week or 2) or do I need to see my doctor first.
OH came down with cold symptoms on Wednesday, and tested positive for covid, I came down with symptoms Friday and tested positive yesterday, when should we both isolate until?
Carlos, one of the four singers that are Il Divo has died from covid in hospital in Manchester. Very sad, only 53. He had a fine voice as have the three others, favourites of mine.
Keeps stopping and starting, the mileage, is on there all the while, but the speedo petrol gauge etc goes off then comes on again, when it feels like it, it's a 2000 audi tt...
My Grandaughter who is now 10 years of age, upset me this morning, she had messaged me to ask if I was picking her up from school today, her Grandad and myself have had her, nearly, every weekend...
My Grandaughter turned 10 a couple of months ago, and has started her periods, seems very young to me, any one else had experience of this happening at this young age.
My OH is awful at painting, you think I would of learnt by now...he's got it on the grouting at the top of my kitchen tiles, any idea how to get it off apart from scraping it off. Tia
I'm am renting a holiday home at Christmas (hopefully) I am taking my dog, it is dog friendly, but I am a bit worried about him marking, if he can smell other dogs, that have stayed there, is there...
ive never really noticed an issue when i just eat the fruit peeled in slices, however, recently i blended up a kiwi in a smoothie & i couldnt drink it - it instantly burned & itched my throat terribly...
I have to take Naproxen twice a day, when should I take the Omprezole, straight before the Naproxen or a few hours before, I forgot what the doctor said, and it takes ages to get through on the phone,...
Thirty-two minutes from the end of this three-parter I could bear it no longer. I read sparkling reviews of it - and wonderful actors Sean Bran and Stephen Graham are certainly a draw - but how draggy...
I tend to bloat, after eating I look about 6 months pregnant, I also need the toilet soon after eating, I have no pain, but I am also windy, I was ruling out IBS as I dont have any stomach pain, any...
I Posted my expired driving licence, for renewal, with a postal order, and new photograph on the 11/5/21 not heard a thing, my Son who renewed his online, had his licence back within a week, I am...