why does anyone on ab think they know me? what gives them the right? what the fkcu do they think they know about me eh? nothing but stories and rumours. get your sh1t together. you think youre so...
Why is new AB so slow today? Does anybody else have this problem? And I have the 'Have Your Say' results on the homepage although I haven't voted and the questions still (unanswered) appear on the...
There seems to be rather a lot of bods, male and female, who are described as female and 52 in their profiles. I have recently updated my profile but I couldn't have done THAT could I? When I ticked...
i am rubbish at remembering who people are or who they used to be. If someone says a name I recognise that is as far as it goes, i can never actually recall anything about them, I have a very good...
Visit the Homepage, test the new AB and let us know what you think...And dont worry the 2 run together so, whether you post on the new AB or old AB your questions/answers will appear on both. Look...
its sad that you didnt include the OTHER option in your poll... you forgot to mention the locals... you didnt give the locals the right to have a house !!! unless im mistaken, you have set a multiple...