Do you think it's human nature to look down on people? All through life people tend to look down on other people, even if they've been in that situation or are in the same situation. Like when you're...
i was told a couple of weeks ago, that the AB may be allowing us to use private messaging... can you confirm this for us please ? dont bother to reply if you intend giving us a negative reply.......
hi guys its me im in rhodes haha having a great time and the weather is lovely! got a great suntan! hope all is well HI whiskey and loobie love ya speak soon mwah
There are 3 cons(at least I think they are cons) on the shopping channel which must have made their 'inventors' a fortune 1 The small box with wires coming out of it which is wrapped round the cold...
who cannot stand the thought of another person using this site so much that they cause such hassle. do you know there are nearly 60 million people in the UK, why pick on me Huh? Pathetic
with all the nice weather we're having ive constantly got doors and windows open but needless to say im getting a lot of flies in the house. i dont want to use spray or fliypapers has anyone got any...
Do you have somewhere that you feel you can call home in an internet sort of way ? Somewhere where all is delightfully mad. Somewhere where you can ask a serious question and get 30 rude answers. At...
hi all, my little dog is 3 yrs old and the vet has advised me to get her spayed. she is quite an anti-social dog to others - although she loves me. the vet is scared of her, the groomers refuse to do...
What qualities do women look for in a man? Obviously, you can't make absolute generalisations...i.e. the quality that one woman looks for, may not be true for another female. But, on the whole, what...
Do Atheists believe is a grief process for deaths. Where do we go if we are an atheist? Is it possible for an Atheist to provide comfort to someone close to them who has had a loss of someone close to...
no sooner i smell "night scented stock" it takes me back nearly 30 years.. its got an almost unique scent to it and as the name suggests, gives off its best smell in the cool of night.. takes me back...