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What is your favourite book of all time? Mine has to be Lord of the Rings. I have read it loads of times, first tme probably over thirty years ago. I love hearing other peoples favourite, ancient and...
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this is me...... 69007/ packing is soooooooo boring, not even half way there yet!! night Icey, pasta, leg etc xxxx icey where is my second em??!! lol...
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im all alone there no one here beside meeee seriously am i the only one?
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how much punishment can a 22yr olds liver take???.....and she still felt ill from LAST night!!!
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pastafreak,they are not back.....maybe 3-4am???
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Anybody from the planet galifray on here tonight. If so will meet you in the nutz bar in ten minutes
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It's all scoobyyy doo ish annit. What you think then
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wat happened to this place ? i have been away 15 mins and all hell has broke lose ? i mean seriously to quote a lame song " wer is the love?!
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Whats your favourite sad song and why ?
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Over the last few weeks theres be an increase in posts about how fta , disgusting , sweaty, and disgustingly obese i am. Well whiffy,spaced ,4gs,la john ,ed case ,and a aselection of female users have...
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howdy everyone how are you all? i hope your all good? does any one wish to talk? x
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all those little kitchen gadgets - ice cream scoops, potato peelers, garlic presses and so on? I don't. got them - but just use a spoon, knife - or wallop the garlic cloves with a steak hammer!
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Just going to marmagite myself do you want to watch live or do you want to see pics later
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haha which do you prefer? in any way?
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Who is the, "Duty Moderator," tonight? I've lost my shift rota, and don't know if it's me, Newsdesk, or Bathsheba. Please mind your language whilst we sort this out.
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im thinking about getting my tongue pierced, and find it hard to find relevant info on the net. could i please just ahev as much information about the piercing, how it heals, aftercare, risks ect....
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what happened to the sad song thread???? I was posting an answer to gabby when it vanished.
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I can't get into the cave< the women keeps on telling me to stay out! What do i do?
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hi im gunna check this tomorrow so this is wer ul find me also if in doubt my msn is [email protected] .uk night all sweet dreams x
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im sorry but i cant see the sad song link and im not sure how this site works so i dunno wat to do? is anyone ther?

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