I saw the programme last night (man buys very expensive flat in London etc), but was amazed by the change in Sarah Beeney's body shape. Without being rude or tastless, it's all gone a good deal...
So we're 5 days into big brother and I'm loving it my fav housemate is Kamal he just cracks me up, I can't stand the Yorkshire lass Lesley she to full of herself. Who's your fav housemate, who do you...
A few years ago I head a story about Kevin Keegan from two sources, one source was from a guy that knew a guy who knew all the insider storys behind the sence before time, the second...
Can anyone think any Answerbank questions for which the meaning and answer will vary depending on which section it's posted in. eg Who is your faviourite impressionist? - will get...
I need help with 2 clues please 1. River rising in Colombia that meanders north across the base of the Isthmus of Panama to the Gulf of Urba ? T ? ? ? O 2. In Japan a curved toggle of wood or ivory...
Running a competition at work, i am stuck on the following:- 1.Mum, dad and 2 kids have come to a river and find a boat it is small and can carry only 1 adult or 2 kids at a time. Both kids are good...
I've noticed that some of the major supermarkets no longer sell videos: all films are in DVD's. Is this a general experience? Its not a problem for me, but my parents (in their...
My husband has just re-stained the parquet floor in the lounge and buffed it up. It looks great but it's very slippy. Can't wear socks, even just bare feet is dodgy, can't wear shoes all the time in...
OK, we can take for granted the mind-numbingly vaccauous non-conversation undertaken by the 'celebrities' on 'Celebrity Love Island', but do any of them have any idea how dreadful they look...
There is a TV programme that was originally called Seven Up and was about a group of 7 yr old kids from different backgrounds. The programme is shown every 7 years - the 2nd one was called Fourteen...
Instead of calling the non entities who appear on all these crapola reality shows 'celebrities' is there another word we could make up, I came up with ASIWNT i.e. Attention Seeking Idiot With No...
You walk 100 metres due south, turn 90 degrees and walk 100 metres due east, turn 90 degrees and walk 100 metres due north and end up in the same place you started. How can that be? Apparently it's...
Can anyone remember a tv drama, can't remember if it was a series, or just a one off thing, it was about a group of women who's husbands were planning a robbery but the husbands got found out and sent...
I'm sitting here watching 'Big Brother's most outrageous moments', thinking god this is pants, yet strangely addictive - I'm seeing the summer stretching ahead of me - I'll try not to watch it, but at...