My dog was sneezing randomly for a week (obviously well and fit apart from this) but as it continued I had her checked at the vet (£30 later!!!) I was told that it was one of three things.1, A...
Just turned on the telly to see them talking about fashion faux pas on This Morning and then cut to what's her name pesenter wearing bright pink with bright red! Was that deliberate?
this is a repeat request. I am searching for a recipe book for a vegetarian who lives alone and therefore only wants to cook for herself. would appreciate any help,please
A few days ago an ex of my Boyfriends phoned him on his mobile but he didn't answer because I was there. He wouldn't have told me if I hadn't have asked who it was. He said he would text her the next...
Hi, I've booked out wedding through Thomson about a year ago in Greece. Was told that due to us booking so early our wedding time would be about 2pm.. However, today was told it'll be 5.45PM - we're...
Did you see tonights In It To Win It, the lottery show with Dale Winton! The guy was on £100.000 cleaned up on his own until the last question! Which year was John Lennon and others born, choice...
I LOVE Italian food, and wanted to make meatballs and pasta, but my husband (who is a FANTASTIC cook ) doesn't particularly like the tomato type sauces that go with pasta. I expect he has probably had...
I must waste loads of cat food by tearing the top and squeezing down with my fingers but not getting it all out. I know I could use a knife but any tips on other ways to get it all out easily and...
We only noticed when we printed his bording pass. So my question is will he just be able to use it as it is or should we inform Ryanair, his name is Knowles and the s is missing from end. But...
After a campaign based on supposed integrity, Nick Clegg failed to nail his colours to the mast ... ... and negotiated with both sides. Indecisive ... or just a complete snake ? Now Brown has p!ssed...
It varies so much. In the UK its 16, in Portugal and Italy 14, in California 18. So what should it be? We have to protect young people from predators but we also have to make them responsible for...
Should they? I mean what justification is there for them being illegal? Legalizing them might reduce organized crime, it would certainly make the quality of the drugs better. I mean we've all smoked a...
As you can see, I've got a little girl (aged 3) and we absolutely love her to bits. She was very hard work as a baby (colic and a terrible sleeper) which caused me and my husband to argue a lot....
How dare these people suggest that myself and the millions of other tory voters in England voted for a hung parliment, i voted for the conservatives to win and not to share power with any other party,...
Hi, I have a new kitten who is totally beautiful and looks just like the kittens pictured in posters/calenders etc. I just wondered how to get a pet into that sort of thing. Its honestly nothing to do...
Done everything step by step for avatar but still keeps telling me avatar not active.Read all your replies but still nothing.What more can I do thanks as not got much hair left. Thanks.
Hi there, i recently posted this question: http://www.theanswerb...e/Question877135.html & i decided to buy a second kitten for Pickle. They have become great friends and we have nick named her...