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We live in a house with a river at the end of our property so we have plenty of ducks coming into the garden. We have willow and apple trees and have lately noticed that several ducks are perching on...
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I ahve always wondered how tall Martine McCutcheon is? Sometimes you see her on the TV and she looks small and other times she towers over everybody?...
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What does an Art Buyer actually do to acquire such pieces of art, whether it be modern or Pre-Raphaelite etc.
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Cannot wait for this series to begin again,; at last we find out what is going on and who Gene Hunt really is? I still believe that it is all a dream(like Dallas-or should i say Dullus) and that Gene...
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Don't tell me the ugly, talentless little pipe cleaner is going to cross words with Katie? She will get whupped. JJ "Team Katie" E.Sussex...
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What does restoring fine art entail and is it a professional, well paid career?
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am I alone in hating the horrible screeching signature 'tune' for the one show, don't mind the show and like the way Dom sorts things out, but oh that awful noise to start with.
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In Johnson's dictionary what w word could describe something that has decreased in size? - already tried wane, waste and withdrawn.
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// Labour and the Conservatives are almost level in their battle for the marginal seats which will determine which party wins the general election, according to a new poll. In the key marginal seats,...
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i would say an up tempo queen track like i want to break free name some more...
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Anyone got any good stories of places they have visited that are haunted? What experience did you have?...
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I have lost my brush I use for egg wash. I have no time to go to the shops and buy another one. Does anybody have a suggestion what else I could use instead of a brush? I wondered about maybe...
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Has any one got any information on Sir Godfrey Kneller........................I have a copy of a portrait of a lady that resided at Hill Hall house in Essex during the early 18th Century, she was...
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Does anyone know if Suffolk Marsh reeds last throughout the year or do they die back in the winter?......If so when do they die back?
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Have you or someone you know lost weight by drinking cider vinegar? If yes, how many teaspoons to how much water and when do you drink it i.e before meals, with meals or after meals? Thanks...
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Is there a website that may convert our 21st Century language into that of the style of Samuel Pepys.............NO SMART ANSWERS PLEASE!
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Does anybody know when the new third and last series of Ashes to Ashes begins again? Any ideas on what is happening and who Gene Hunt really is?...
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Is there a website that converts modern language to that of 17th Century old english. I'm doing a serious study on the subject and would like anybody with knowledge of any site like this to help me.
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Could anyone on answerbank tell me please which is the best browser to use,at the moment I am on Internet Explorer 8. Thankyou for any help ....
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... you might find it biting you back one day. This has just been quoted to me - do you think they've got the phase a little muddled up? Interesting, if yucky, thought though...!!...

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