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clotted cream and then either my own strawberry or raspberry jam and a pot of tea
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Haven't seen you around for a while, How have you been?
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There are few enough police already. If budget cuts mean even less police patrols will anarchy reign?
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How about law abiding people to be able to carry a concealed weapon (Firearm) if the law changed? Or are you happy with the way things are?
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Does anyone know what's happened to Heartbeat on ITV? When they axed future series they said they had enough episodes recorded already to last for a couple of years, since when there have been no new...
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hi, im in need of some advice and help, i was involved in a car accident, i was driving around 25 on a normal street, i saw a pot hole on the floor and went to dodge it, as i dodged it and turned to...
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Just read in my local paper that there were 554 incidents of domestic violence after Sundays game !!!!! That is only locally. What The Funicular ???? What kind of mentality is that ?
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in the recent Argos advert a guy is seen scanning the beach with his metal detector when signs directing him to treasure explode up from the sand on the beach. What i am curious about is where was the...
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only fools and horses work?
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hows he doing? im not a tennis fan i know its all about football today but i was wondering how hes doing in wimbledon?...
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Lie-in King
I hope the team are as ashamed of their "performance" in this tournament as we are to have supported them. A lack of effort, passion, pride & imagination have done for us once again -...
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Not forgetting vibrasphere!.........I was really put up to do this..........Is that better now its on CB?
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Do you agree with this suggested 'shake up' of not being allowed to have even one drink before driving? Discuss......
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My mums booked a table at a pub for fathers day. It would be rude if he paid but she wants me to because he's my father! Normally we go out with my brother who pays but he's on holiday. Knowing her...
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Wingebank, as that seems to be what too many ab´s use it for. If they have a major emotional problem what not try the samaratans
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Did any Ab'er's see the documentary on the Gladiator graveyard found in York? What those poor human beings went through just for the sake of entertainment....
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Naa Na Naaa Naaa Naaa Naaa Naaaaaaaa WE'RE GONNA SCORE ONE MORE THAN YOU ... ... ENGLAND !!!...
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Just when I needed some company too Bobbi x...

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