Why oh why does christmas seem to get earlier each year!! Passing houses decorated in lights and tinsel in November is just not right. I love christmas but why do we as a society feel the need to make...
I've just seen a cheapo advert on one of the digital channels featuring these two. B**ger me, I thought they were dead! All those awful memories came flooding back. Now I realise how grateful we...
When i do shoulder press with dumbells my shoulders click(right shoulder more than left). just wondering if im doing any damage while doing this? is there a way to stop the clicking? Also my kness...
I know there is a website that tells people how to do various diy things, but can't remember what it is. I havr suggested it to Mealnie in the previous question...can someone aid a failing memory...
Is there anything, apart from surgery, that will get rid of or reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes? I've heard haemorrhoid cream can be useful, but I'm not sure how safe it is! (BTW I've read...
I have a friend called Chris Hicken -- or in other words C Hicken. Geddit? Chicken?! What are some of the sillier names of people you catually know (rather than ones you have read about!)?
i cant help noticing that the same people answer alot of the questions and that they seem to know each other. is this just that you are all very friendly people or do you all know each other outside...
I am the only person to use our home PC & have recently found a programme called 'Porn Turbo' on my desktop. I do not know how it got there & have tried in vain to delete it, but it won't allow me to!...
This morning I watched (and tried to help !) as my neighbour's car caught fire and burnt out. As we waited for the fire brigade to come we thought the petrol tank would explode - but it didn't, and...
Daughter wants a white board [wipe clean] for her bedroom, local stationers quoted ?156 for a 1200mm x 900mm [the smallest that they do] It's not even magnetic!! Any ideas for something a bit cheaper?...