How does one get rid of these horrible tickets which are stuck onto the drivers side windows if one has parked illegally.....they are hellish things to shift and no amount of scraping gets rid of the...
A few days ago the Reading Chairman was up in arms over Alan Pardew leaving his club whilst under contract. Now it appears he has managed to get Steve Coppell in as Pardews replacement, whilst he is...
Face it....we are the team to beat right? I mean if you score 3 we score 4...I think we play football with a passion no other team plays...remember sexy football? the Keegan the Robson...
Anyone asking about or attempting to name the footballers or football clubs involved in the 'footballers 'rape' case' will have their ANSWERBANK ACCOUNTS TERMINATED - please do not discuss the case on...
I was watching the mind and memory program last night on BBC1 9pm - forget what it was called (ha ha ha) - and it said that studies show that taking large quantities of cod liver oil/fish oil tablets...
who were the magnificent 7 and which of them are dead or alive? I know Charles Bronson(dead) James Coburn(dead) Yul Brynner(dead) Robert Vaughan(alive)
How should you defrost prawns? I recently saw someone pour boiling water on them and let them sit in it for a while, then they put them in cold water. This seemed unsafe to me. Am I right to be...
I know this is a ridiculous question to ask,but here goes.Does mince have to be washed before cooking.I was watching Wife Swap on tv last night,and I am positive that I saw one of the guys with a...
Just started to read The Order of The Phoenix and noticed at the front that there is a print edition in Latin.Other than myself who would want to read it in Latin or are they aiming for the exam...
What's the name of the thing they stand a coffin on at a Cremation? At the end; it's then either lowered into the ground, slides off through the back or is covered by curtains? I thought it was a...
A friend went to a gym yesterday . She found a tapeworm segment lying on the floor of the shower (identified by a member of staff). Any ideas how it managed to get there? Obviously no-one was owning...
I've got a lot of rolls of camera film in those little plastic tubes. I can't tell which ones have been used and which ones are new. They have all been opened now,and the ones that were new, have lost...