How do each of the following physical analysis methods work? Mass Spectrometry, Atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy?
This is something which has been really bugging me. Ok, you hear people say the odds of a certain thing happening are next to infinite, like the odds of me winning the lottery for the next five weeks...
Contains the lyrics ' I don't know what it is that makes me love you so, I only know I never want to let you go, cause you started something, oh can't you see, now every time we meet etc etc etc 'I...
I heard that rubbing normal sunflower oil onto your skin was a sure way of speeding up your tan, but other people say that this is literally frying your skin. Does anyone have some info?
I have been informed by one of my friends that Paulo Di Canio is eligible to play for the England National side. Surley this is nonsense? Any one know of a site that i could verify this (conclusive...