I had the following emailed to me but can anybody tell me if its true ? When a thief forces you to take money from the ATM, do not argue or resist. You might not know what he or she might do to you....
Totally numb she had a stroke yesterday,went into day to be told that she had passed away as i was travelling to the hospital,cant believe i wont speak with her again
Ello I havenoticed that dogs noses are so moist and shiny. This must be caused by some kind of gory dog nasal fluid. But you must admit they do look so lovely and moist. Well I wear contact lenses and...
My colleague has developed a listening device which can be placed securely in a dogs ear. It can be used for 9 days without changing the battery. It causes no pain to the dog only a slight discomfort...
Hey guys, need ur help. I would love to go a gap year, in 1.5 years time, to see the world etc. however, i told my girlfriend this and she said she would not wait a year to see me, we miss eachother...