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Why ask the public at all?

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R1Geezer | 16:52 Thu 18th Feb 2010 | News
14 Answers
If you only want answers you a agree with? Just goes to show how out of touch our masters are!


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When you consult the public in this manner, you are bound to get a myriad of suggestions, some good and some bad.

92 out of 131 responses were deemed positive. 1 out of 131 mentioned public flogging. It would seem flogging is not the consensus answer, and is in fact a tiny minority of the suggestions.
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still a good idea though eh Gromit. Just think every Saturday at half time all over the country in the centre circle some lowlife scum getting a sound thrashing on his bare ar5e! That should stop them making peoples lives misery eh? and before all you islington set start spitting out your organic peace meusli, this is a tongue in cheek post!
can you imagine the proportion of fans watching who might get a high from this, and try it out on their wives or children ?
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At half time at Rugby Union matches might be more appropriate. I gather the Public School types who watch Unionrather like that kind of thing.
The public should never be asked anything. Just look at the comments section of the average online news item - there's the voice of the public for you; semi-literate, bigoted drivellings. You'd get better responses conducting a referendum of chimps' tea parties.
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well you are included in the "public" joolee!
No R1Geezer - I excuse myself from being part of The Public. When I read or watch or listen to the public, I rarely feel any connection, empathy, or similarity with them, indeed if anything I recoil from them.
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How wonderful to be perfect eh?
In some ways. But it's a struggle, too.
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I believe His Toniness was of the opinion the public was too thick to ask.

I'm afraid I have to agree, noting to do with left or right wing simply many cannot think anything out that is not forcefed into them.

Bit of flogging at 1/2 time seems ok to me. How about some public hangings whist we're at it.
IQ test before being allowed to vote is my suggestion... or maybe some benevolent dictator could come to power and tell the idiots what to think instead of letting the daily mail do it... anyone want to help organise a bloodless coup?
I don't know about singling out Blair - I think you'll find most politicians are very dismissive of the public.

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Why ask the public at all?

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