How come you got the sara lee quadruple decker, ummy scummy, gooey chocfest delight gateau and all i got was a pack of half defrosted own brand fish fingers? Tut, I thought a gentleman like you...
Morning all, just reading through the threads and i see that some of you are leaving (smithy82) i hope you are not leaving because of me. I dont think i offended you but if i did im sorry. ...
my 16year old son has been either selling or smoking canabis, i cant control what happens when is out with his mates but told him i dont want it in the house. he keeps saying it only weed ! Any...
Last night I saw the Misfits live at the Cambridge Junction. I stood right next to the Mosh Pit and I was amazed that no one was hurt. Is Moshing just one big bundle or is it a...