I slipped in the shower and landed on a soap dish. resulting in a deep cut needing seven stiches. Which has left me with a very ugly 6cm scar. I rent my house. I have been told my landlord should rent...
An old cartoon with this boy who controled a large robot with a remote box that had two handles or joysticks coming out of it. I seem to remember the robot traveling in the cargo bay of a tractor...
In my humble opinion I think Nicholas Cage just has to be the, or at least one of the best actors we've ever had. He can act in any genre - romantic, comidy, tough guy, and I don't reckon he's had the...
Does anyone know the title of the Simpsons episode where Sideshow Bob sings Gilbert and Sullivan songs to Bart on the boat before killing him? Also do you know any titles of Simpsons episodes that...
I saw it the week it was released and it was one of the best of the Disaster Movie era, what was your favourite disater movie? (Up to and Including Titanic if you like)
there has just been a 17 year old young man from liverpool called raymond, he had black hair and I thought he looked very familiar, I think he may have been in brookside and played a schoolboy who...
Is there a version of the Dragons Den tv show in the US where budding entrepreneurs look for investment in their inventions? I think it is an absolutely awesome show.
I hope some of you guys & girls can help me out.While on the net just now my Norton Personel firwall box popped up on my screen.It basicaly read Medium risk windows subsytem is attempting to access...
I was bidding on a dvd movie on ebay.I was outbidded & then the person who outbidded me retracted his bid & i ended up winning the auction.Do i still have to buy the dvd movie even though at 1 point i...
I know it's a lot but does anyone know the relationship between He-man and She-ra and Superman and Supergirl. And hopefully the name of Bravestars horse? hope so Ta
i'm after the title of the episodes of Lost. It was in Series 2 and I think was aired on Channel 4 in the Uk late July early August. It is the episode where Claire is having flash backs of wat...
i've just seen a trailer for the new film snakes on a plane! huh? whats that all about, thats utterly bizarre! dont really need to see the film now as the title explains the plot of the film!
is anyone fed up with lost now? in some of the episodes the same things seem to be happening and in others nothing at all! i cant wait for it to end, although i will still be watching! oh and another...