You have to spend an evening with one of The Chasers. Would you pick: 1. Shaun Wallace - The Dark Destroyer 2.Mark Labett - The Beast 3.Paul Sinha - The Sinhaman. Answers please, and why : )...
Was just sat down to watch France v taken bad again..blues and twos to the western General on drips and machines....again....only been home 1 don't know when...
Home made, Slooopy threw me a ham shank this morning, it is a touch thick but there is some fresh plain home made bread if you want to spread it on? I like soup that sticks to yer ribs, anyone else?...
Sad to say the most dramatic thing to happen to me today (though good nothing actually really dramatic!) was getting stuck in a lift full of people. It stopped between floors and once they managed to...
I was wiping the inside of my microwave when a piece of silver coloured card fell out (4x4ins). There is now a square hole in the side and I can see some kind of silver "instrument" in it. The piece...
I feel really rough this morning. Like, REALLY rough! Daytime drinking whilst watching the rugby was never going to be a good idea. Haven't had a hangover for yonks. Need a cure that doesn't involve...
What was the song the girl sitting at the piano was singing on yesterday's
(9th Feb) "Come dine with me" (CH4)from Glasgow, and what stage show did it come from.
Thanks in advance...
We have read in past posts that Cameron is finished, the Tories are finished, the Tory/LibDem coalition is finished, the LibDems are finished and UKIP haven't a cat in hells chance of winning the next...
this weekend. If you see me on here between 11.00 am and 4.00pm, will you tell me off please.
I will be using my laptop and I might just stray into The AnswerBank.
Five hours should do it....
I've been given an ivory bangle (before the animal lovers kick off, can I add that it is about 100 years old). It is hideous and I don't want it. What is the position about selling ivory?
Famous line from movies ,Who said "The hell i am " Just thinking if a film was made about cows would it be a moovie ,Any way who ever gets it right poses the next one .None to hard as its been a long...