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A father and his son are driving a car down a country lane, when the father loses control of the car and crashes into a tree. The father is killed instantly, but the son gravely injured, survives. The...
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This week the AnswerBank have teamed up with Octopus Publishing and we have 5 copies of their latest book to give away! For your chance to win your very own copy of the Daily Mail's "Can Crocodiles...
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help please with 7d 26d and 13a many thanks
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4d Place a liquid into something in drops ?N?T?L All I can think of is instil but the definitions aren't right ???
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17 down - freshwater turtle?
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Yes I'm late I know but could someone help with 4d Point of perfection ?C?? also 7d A tree trunk ?O?? and finally 11aDecorated or plain leaf in a book ??D?A???. Just back from holiday and now...
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Okay...I don't normally get involved in 'personal' affrays on this site with people, as often I see both points of view to a certain extent and do believe people are entitled to an opinion. I have...
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All done but worried about the figure skater. The down clue is forcing me into Axal (Paulsen) but it seems to be spelt Axel everywhere I look?? Is it me ????
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Stuck in the top right corner. 9d Model representing the nativity C?A?H?
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Beautiful picture, is it Japan?? I can't prove it. Many thanks
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I don't suppose there will be much point in sending any crosswords off next weekend as there will be no post until mid week. The papers might wake up & extend the closing date but I doubt it.
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4a Simple computer program that runs within another application A?P?E? (6) is it Applet ??? Thanks in advance
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I'm a bit concerned that I got a message from Answerbank this morning and when I clicked on the link it was an answer posted on 8 July. I hope theres nothing untoward going on ?? I would appreciate...
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over the years my daughter has collected 2 large crates of polly pocket toys . Due to the recent recall of most of these toys can anyone advise me as to what i should do with them the mattell website...
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Please can anyone help with 5D, the shipping forecast area. thank you
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Types of "on the water "sailing craft, The river has engulfed the disordered clue, Flying squad to a nicety, no amount of letters given. thanks sniffa.
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We are feeling thick this week, can't find 9down the convex architectural moulding.... or 46 across Christ wearing a crown of thorns. Help please!
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Stuck on 3d, I may have some across clues wrong. Its "Any of the four players behind the half backs in Rugby Union" and I have T?R?E ?U?E???
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Is it me? OK probably but I'm having trouble trying to put en masse in not enough boxes and macaroon going down for the light biscuit made with almonds??
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Stuck on this one. 32D a boat propelled by an engine ??????h?p

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