Get rid of garden Hut 4 letters ( not sure if it's shed ? )
Case for one posted to an embassy , 7 letters
Item of furniture - something steady arching, I suspect 7 and ???I?...
But does anybody else think that some people give up rather easily?,going by the times that people post makes me wonder,personally I'd give it at least 24 hours before conceding defeat.....each to...
7 down 9 letters T.M.S.I.T Clue: Evidently measure the duration of a work period or programme I thought it should be Timesheet but the I is definitely correct, as are the other letters. Help, please....
30a. Two words, 6 and 4 letters Pointer used in the past more or less. .E...D...D I think Second Hand? 25d. Two words p, 2 and 2 letters Must not start regarding. .S.O (if Second Hand is correct - to...
Please help with 4a problematic situation before one sport figure (5) 12a Habitat in which creatures can be seen or its ground inside (9). 6d fellow finances terms (5). Grateful thanks for any...
Stuggling with this - any help greatly appreciated 1 down Period in which evidence that I'm at war with myself is presented 8 letters M.A.T... 12 across Habitat in which creatures can be seen, or its...
Same clues as Huffy, please 12a 9 letters Habitat in which creatures can be seen, or its ground inside . . . . o.i.e 13d 9 letters Most unclear influence perishes in this . . o.d . . . t...
WI Life 20d Saw and rule mostly snapped by carpenter's mate 6 letters. .A.R.S 24a Kipling wolf's alias, put in the Spanish 5 letters. ...L. Perhaps. ..EL. 25d Hear girl's mournful sound 5 letters....
Help with two clues please: 14 A. Get involved with stone feature- 2 words. 5,2. I have. .i.c. i. (In?) 11 A. Bird seen regularly in the Trent 4 letters I have. .e.n If it is Tern, why, please?n...
2 clues for which I would like help please Blackberry guard 8D. Two words 8 and 6 letters .e.t.e. Perhaps this is Centre 24D. He has left his mark in high places 4 letters. .e.i Offers of...