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Has anyone ever wondered if indeed it is we in England who are upside down and not Australia, how do we know which way up our planet is, who says it is the way it is? We assume our planet is round, it...
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can anyone tell me what hiccups actually are?
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I was talking to a colleague the other day about being optimistic with the the obstacles we face at work. She told me, in an enigmatic sort of way, that it is not always good to be optimistic when it...
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Is it possible to break or fracture a rib by coughing too hard.I had an evil cough a few weeks ago and during one particular fit, i coughed so hard whilst turning round and i had an excrutiating pain...
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Should I invest my money in this book, or is it just some hyped up junk?
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And does an idiom have to be long?
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Ong Hong Kei
Less than how many hours of sleep a night would run a person 2 to 3 times the risk of heart attacks ?
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itching of your left or right palm Ive heard one is money coming in and the other money going out
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How many of you actually used Wikipedia as a "serious reference tool"? After what Brian Chase did to it, do you stand your ground?
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Can anyone tell me what constitutes plagiarism in terms of book content? Would appreciate a general view of what is acceptable or rather unacceptable when it comes to copying content out of another...
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What are eyebrows for?
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Is your approach to handling a certain situation caused by heredity ( or particular gene ) or is it family upbringing?
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what would you say the best movie of all time is?
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Does anyone know whether the boy who was innoculated with cowpox first then with smallpox by Edward Jenner, contract the deadlier disease of the two then recover OR didn't contract the disease at all?...
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It's my first book by Michael Crichton and it set my knowledge of a lot of things back many years. I'm wondering if it had any impact to anyone else who read the book. Would appreciate your comments.
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Now that JK Rowling has officially named her next book who do you think is the half-blood prince?? I initally thought it could possibly be something to do with Neville Longbottom, but have since...
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What's the best food to give a child after several hours of vomiting? (Bug related sickness not food poisoning)
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My son who is in year 8 needs help with his algebra hoewrok he has to write theese as simply as possibly ! ill write som examples please could you explain the answer . 3n X m 3b X 2a6 X 2a 7aXbX3c16y...
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Do you think such a thing exists?
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Please advise me, as I feel so low at the moment and extremely quilty. I have always believed that every parent, as long as they are happy with their decision has the right to bring their children up...

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