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How much money do you get when you stay on in 6th form in school when i leave in may??
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My car has a cd player/ radio in it. Is there any way I can play my mp3 player thru it ?
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The corporate colours are Red and White is this anything to do with Father Christmas?
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in what activity did 1582 people take part in Seoul in 1970?
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I left school in May 2000 but I never collected my GCSE certificates. Is there anywhere that I get get them from?
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Does anyone know is there any organisation that supply supermarket barcode, i.e. barcode for their product.
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Bringing our two kids (boy - 7,girl - 5) to London this weekend. Any suggestions for relatively inexpensive (got a shock when I priced west end shows) places to visit.Thanks.
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what are key subjects to take at A Level that would look good when applying for uni? which subjects do uni's generally look for?
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How do I stop condensation on the inside of my windows indoors? Its everywhere and ruining all the paintwork.
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<XMP>When I was at school, we learned</XMP><XMP>that a quick way of finding a fraction</XMP><XMP>between the value of two other...
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Jan Stanley
What is the rank, domain or territory of a Muslim leader called E - - R - - E ?
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think of a number between 2 and 9,multiply this number by 2, add 5, multiply it by 50 (told you you may need a calculator), if you have already had your birthday this year add 1755(if not add 1754),...
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Hello, Has anyone got the Level Descriptors for Reading Writing and Mathematics for Key Stage One? I am needing the descriptions for each sub level eg 1a. 1b and 1c? Can anyone help? We've looked on...
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Why do people from up north call lunch dinner?
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How do people pardouce elerilicity
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Carol Anne
Would doing a steady 50mph on the motorway use half the amount of fuel it would take to do 100mph over the same distance?
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Might sound funny, but does anyone know if trouser belts with plastic buckles are sold in stores ? I am allergic to metallic buckled belts as its reacts with my skin on the stomach. I really need...
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how do i tell the difference if my chinese water dragon is a male or female? please help i want to breed!
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Can you tell me the address of a bank with the sort code 205101
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Is anybody else having problems with One Across today?

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