Hope this is the right section. A very good friend of mine is going off to Australia for a year; to do the whole backpacking/working thing. I would like to get him a gift, sort of a going away...
Hi, I need to buy about 10 this year, has anyone spotted any good deals on in the stores ie. 3 for 2? I'm going to head off to the shops after work today.
What would you say are the most ridiculous chavvy Christian names you hear mothers or fathers shout at their kids these days - You know the sort of thing - Chelsea,Britney,etc.....- Not saying that...
How many people who submitt questions for the MOS Xword do you think actually submitt.? Does everyone who submitts answers send in the xword? I won it 4 months ago, so know it is genuine!!
can anyone think of a former education secretary whose name sounds as if it has a connection with horse racing? i'm really stumped!i've googled myself senseless!
Have done 45 out of 50 of these, just stuck on five more, can anyone help please? - All rock gems or substances used in jewellry making - 15. Sue an old German coin. (9) 45. 12% of the wolrd's surface...
Largest of orkney Isles ???O?A Colourless gas formed by electric discharge in oxygen ??O?E 18th century leicestershire workman alleged to have destroyed industrial machinery ?E? ?L?D? Thankyou, I am...
Does anyone work with someone who bears a passing resemblance to someboy famous? Here we have a Ned Flanders, Jose Mourinho, The Cat In The Hat and Bluto off popeye. I used to work with a girl who was...