Hi, I am lucky to have a well neglected garden which harbours many form of wildlfe including slow worms.I know they have the protection of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, do I have to...
hi what do i feed pigeons (wild not domesticated) and also parrots(the rose ringed parakeets again wild) i tried feeding them sunflower seeds (parrots) but then they don't eat they don't...
I know someone who will soon have to appear in court as a witness, however, she is feeling slightly aprehensive about the whole thing. Does anyone know of some websites that have info about this sort...
After my dog had conjuntivitis for a second time in 3 months I took him to the vets where they said he probably had hayfever. Well it makes sense because he would always be sneezing when I took him...
We have just bought a new rabbit, its a pure rex, lovely little bunny. I have 2 children 2 and 3 years and was wondering on the best way to tame it as everytime i go to pick it up it seems really...
My boyfriend's dad had a dog called Tess - short for testicles as she is constantly poking her nose into crotches. What's the best/most apt pet name you have ever come across?
Is there any benefit with paying more of your mortgage off than required. Whether it be an Endownment , or Repayments. Will the property be payed off quicker or will I be penalised in...
I have this theory that daytime TV is bad on purpose,, it's designed to make jobless bums (like myself) seek out employment before we go mad (or in my case madder) Anyone agree?
Can anyone reccommend any products that can easily and quickly remove pigeon droppings from cars? Is there also any protective coating I can put on my car that makes removing the droppings...