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Just caught the end of a question programme the subject was gay marriage ... Obviously those who support it and those who dont... Personally i cannot for the life of me understand why not!? Some...
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4, in fine fettle/hearty 28,question erics partner 47 a number plus trees any help please...
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I spied Marcus from corrie this morning, pushing a pram, his child apparently
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I have up-dated FF from 8.0 to 9.0.1 in the knowledge that Mozilla claims it improves speeds. My question, therefore, is...."Speeds of what is it supposed to improve."? There hasn't been any...
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I know there are some strange and, quite frankly, absurd and downright wrong laws in this world. What one law, in any country, would you change or abolish?...
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My mums car isnt being used for minimum of 6 weeks but would it do the car any harm to just sit there for that long ? Would it help if i started the engne every other week ?
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on a busy main road, and someone backs into it, who is to blame? She told the police her kids were all in the car and were wearing seatbelts, when only one child was in the car with no seat belt on...
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Can anyone tell me the which city they feel is their favourite and why, in Europe for a long weekend away? (excluding London and Paris - we've been there)
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Would you choose if you had to be exiled to another country for the remainder of your life? And why? I would have to choose the US or Canada. You?...
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Has anyone any experience of steam mops? All comments grateully received!
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... Im trying to work out a ratio so that my new partner and I can pay bills in ratio to our wages. I am really struggling ... Basically we have 2 wages; one of £1964 and £1531 - the total...
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do you think they're worth it?i got a sun life one in today and i'm tempted to go for it,i have a small one already(£10)a month,but i feel its not eneugh 'in case'anything happens,dont want my...
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It's early days yet but how do you rate Nick Hewer as Countdown presenter?
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I know for most working people Friday would be your favourite, end of the week & all that but what about you who have retired what day is your favourite? Mine is Monday - Slob out day for me, no...
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I urge you all to do something good to start the New Year and sign up as organ donors http://www.uktranspla...to_become_a_donor.jsp...
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Do you take supplements and do you think they do you any good?
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If you've never had the flu and were offered the flu jab (for whatever reasons) would you take it? Or would you think it's a bit pointless?...
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If Pilates is pronounced pill art ays, then why isn't Pirates prounced pir art ays? Important question I'm sure you'll agree!...
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Just seen this film and was wondering did the actors actually learn all thier lines in the languages or are they cleverly dubbed.

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