The word “know” can carry a wide range of meanings. For example, a person Who had never met him might say: “Yes, I know David Cameron. He is the Prime Minister of the United...
Another offering from the thought-provoking 4thought TV in which the speaker calls for Christians and Muslims living in Britain to unite to ‘fight the rising tide of atheism’. Any...
According to believers of the Mayan Calendar, the world might end at midnight on 21st December 2012. Will you be having a party to say farewell to all and sundry, before putting your head between your...
are there any? can anyone tell me what benefit religion has on our lives - other than simply believing it it. what practical day to day use is it? what does it give us that we could not achieve if...
what sort of person would he be? based on all the things we 'know' about him. All the things he does if translated to human behaviour, how many of those would be favourable characteristics? would you...
Do you Know Hindus believe that vedas(Hindi scriptures) is from God,Muslims beleves that Quran is from God and Christian Believes that Bible is from God,Which one is correct and if I say all are...
In the bible it repeatedly reports what God said but it's always in a loose unproven way. He supposedly talks to prophets privately, so the people for whom it is intended never actually hear it. e.g....
A syndicated columnist reaches to a higher source for help: he said,It is impossible to have a moral community or nation without faith in God, because everything rapidly comes down to...
Today, millions of people from various backgrounds have learned from the Bible the truth about Jehovah. (Isa. 2:2, 3) Some were atheists or deists, but they became convinced of the existence of a...
There seems to be no shortage of end-of-the-world scenarios. Books, movies, and magazines, ranging from the comic to the scientific, portray an assortment of doomsday catastrophes. They include...
Would you let yourself starve to death? Poison yourself? Challenge someone to a duel from which neither of you could hope to survive? “No,” you say, “I’m not crazy.”...
Hi guys having never read them...was wondering if someone can help sum up the relationship between these two books? Is it something along the lines of.... Old Testament. Moses was told the 10...
Would God use more than one organization to dispense his truths in these “last days”? Has God ever used more than one during any other period of judgment?
Apparently we can't blame God for the ills of this world and we must be grateful to him for the good in the world- but I don't see him doing anything at all - so what does he actually 'do'? one lot , a bunch of public servants that lie an awful lot ... or another lot , a bunch of public servants that lie an awful lot ! According to the top...
Which poet’s words do you want applied to you? This one: “Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go.” Or this one: “All day long I will bless you, And I will praise...
Apparently in the bible god killed an abundance of people and the devil only killed two or three. Obviously there's no way of getting through all of god's murders as there would be too many to mention...
In Asia most parents would prefer boys to girls. In developing countries women die from pregnancy or childbirth as a result of the lack of basic medical care. Many cultures follow religious beliefs...