i recentley opened my limewire and it said it cant open my old downloads not downloads as in finished ones i mean ones that were on my downloading list which were in the process of downloading and...
today i heard a song on xfm it seemed like one of those repeative songs and i think highlighting THINK the lyrics go like this 'we are young men we will never be alone again 'it seemed like a modern...
my computor always turns on in safe mode, and i was wondering how to i change it back to normal mode ? because i forgot how to and i cant start up my comp other then in safe mode thanks again
when you deleate a song from limewire it does not go into your recycle bin does anyone know where it goes? i want to deleate some songs because my comp is getting quite slow
i have heard of iris spots but now i think i may have them when i look at things i see two black fuzzy dots and they are there all the time i have had it for about a month now in my rite eye, i have...
does anyone know the song to the beer advert where there a salsa competion and the girl in the red dress wins and in the end pours wine on her feet and drinks the beer thanks
the advert where the car goes by and everyone dances and moves and then it goes and everyone goes back to normal and i think a bit of the song goes 'what is a soul of man' i think if anyone knows that...
does anyone know any household items that get out stains i have a white rug and i spilt some ketchup on it like a hour ago does anyone know of any thing ?
how do i rewrite dvds cos i have some of my dvds and would like to copy them onto my computor for easy watching my computor is a xp professional and is capbable of dvd writing i just dont know how to...
i have three computors and i have one computor with a trasmiter and the other 2 have recivers but i want to up the output on the trasmiter because sometimes on my laptop the connection fails ,...
there is a song i heard ages ago and the only line i know is ' the female of the pack is more deadler then the male'
does anyone know of this song? thanks again
my xp computor is working very slow and takes a long time to do anything and it is getting really frustrating , i also have bee ntrying to delete itunes but it just wont go away , some people say it...
does anyone know the tune in the car advert where there are elphants walking and the car goes through them and there are things which are big and small and at the end it says 'big small put it in your...