just one or two more please. 28.Take five from a very large pot at teatime[8] 49.A column of figures from time to time?[10.5] 33.Queen between freezer and returning cricket ball[12] Many thanks.
any ideas please 16.Loudly our advertisement is used for rest[4-6] 19.Little breaker[9] 20.Change to Spanish sun to sit down[5] 21.On here in trouble[6] 26.Old coin with the terrible one[5] Thank you.
Anything to do with dogs, not just breeds. Please. 3.West Yorkshire District towel hesitates. 9.Belongs to this man and his friend from the largest Continent. 34.Loses head of in the midst of...
Not necessarily just breeds,anything to do with dogs. Please. 21.Stinger bird. 24,A footprint with a snub nose. 35.For planting heather weight TA member. Thank you.
any help please will be much appreciated: 54.Outcast.[7] 64,Spiked drink[6.4] 70.V-sign[not Churchill's][6.5.] 71.Garden additive[4.5.] 75.Country dance[5.2.8]80.Trivial[6.5.] Thank you very much.
What did English Racehorses first experience in 1966? and, What Christmas related item was once mixed with wine and used as a painkiller.[think Christmas]? Thank you.
Any help would be much appreciated please,either breeds or anything to do with dogs. 9.Belongs to this man and his friend from the largest continent. 11.Is beach ornament a golf aid. 12.This sea...
I too am finding this quiz difficult so any help will be appreciated,please. 12, Poor relation[10] 31.Safe.[5] 34.....and another,usually ignored[9] 42.A sinister,mesmeric influence[8] 44,Lady's...
Still can't fathom the answers to these can anyone help me please. 1808 EOPB 1820. TIA 1876 WTWTAOTS 1904.TBGO. 1920RTBC and 1938 KOCCB, thank you very much.
answers are drinks of all kinds or trade names for same. 6.Irish scotch.[7] 65.Sounds like a friend more knowledgeable[10] 79.Jewels cocktail[1.1.4] 26.Energey until[5] 46.Franz.German Expressionist...