Note : There could be misprints in the clues. 22a - Red-haired chaps ignoring special drainage channels (4) ?AU? 38a- Award given by number containing independent stock value (6) OG???? 26d- Old...
Here is a link to the crossword which is on page 57 As was suggested by novalis last week, the theme and title of today's puzzle was predictable, but none...
A new setter I suspect as I'm having difficulty starting. 1a)- Farsi song or poem's kept back in expectatation of complaint (9) 4d)-One cracking gags - or saying it's better not to ? (7,2,6) 5d) -...
I have almost filled the grid and suspect that 4 of the unclued lights are fish. The letters I have in place for the other 4 unclued lights do not seem to conform to any pattern. Can someone please...
The puzzle is made up of standard clues and alphabetical themed clues to be fitted where appropriate. I am stuck with the U which I believe fits at 29d Clue reads - River No 11 in table. I have U?E?A...