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Well, Anthony Garcia actually, though his story is somewhat similar to Lydia. This LA murder had the crime he committed illustrated on his chest. It was spotted by a cop 4 years later who was familiar...
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It's great to have the Tories back in power, I do like a good riot. Apparently 160 police officers turned up to one House, it was a hot night, there was a...
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// Israel secretly provided arms and supplies to Argentina during the Falklands conflict, according to revelations in a new book. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin had such a deep-rooted hatred of...
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What Cameron says: // David Cameron promises to 'tear down big government': In a wide-ranging critique of Labour’s 12 years in power, Mr Cameron repeatedly pledged to cut government bureaucracy...
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Or a greasy foreigner? - you decide... Also. Were Cameron to veto the appointment, would that be spiteful?...
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Will the FA be consistant and impose a ban for this display of swearing on camera last night?
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And does anybody care?
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AnswerBank used to be a joy to use on these devices, but lately I have been having a few problems typing in answers and questions. The keyboard will close mid sentence, the caps come on for no reason,...
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Anyone else find the NO campaign disgusting? Exploiting Afghan heroes is stooping very low. http://www.superlativ...011/02/AV-soldier.png "He needs bullet proof vests not an alternative voting...
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// The wrecked war plane erupted in a ball of flames, heightening the sense of fear. But the first American to walk clear – tall and with a moustache – need not have worried. He held up...
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KUWAIT (Reuters) - Kuwait riot police fired tear gas Friday to break up a small, peaceful demonstration by stateless Arabs who were demanding greater rights in the oil-rich Gulf nation. Police in...
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To save money the BBC plan to replace its 40 local radio stations with Radio Five Live (apart from a breakfast programme). There is already a campaign to save them, but are they worth saving? They...
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Tottenham Hotspur have confirmed they would knock down most of the 80,000-seater athletics arena and replace it with a 60,000-capacity purpose-built football venue if they won the bid to take over the...
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Penny Pinching Government scrapped the annual flu advertising campaign. The result was a shockingly low take up of the flu jab this year. http://www.dailymail....-jab-given-fives.html Now, with the...
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I have just read a report in the Telegraph, from Cabinet papers released under the 30 year rule, that Mrs T was warned that MPs were fiddling their expenses and their would be an outcry if the public...
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// Britain's public borrowing hit a shocking new record as Government spending surged in November, sounding alarm bells about the Treasury's ability to hit its targets for reining in the UK's...
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// Labour has called on Mr Cable to step aside immediately from any decision to do with BskyB. Shadow Business Secretary John Denham told the BBC it was "difficult" to see how Mr Cameron and...
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The new MPs' expenses body could be scrapped, says Cameron. // The news comes after Prime Minister David Cameron criticised the system run by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority for not...

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