Surely the money that is not taken in tax will largely be spent on things that have VAT, duty etc on them and therefore end up in the treasury anyway....
(Pesco) the other day. You'd think it would be big news, wouldn't you? (well I would) It was done so quietly most google answers will still tell you we ain't in it. We didn't even join it when we were...
Warns the Bank of England. Or Kwasi Kwarteng as he’s more commonly known. Should be...
I don't understand why it has not been announced officially - trying to organise an event for next year and don't want to clash with the coronation - people need to know well in advance to book venues...
....interesting that less that half of Scotland even want a vote!... "The first minister insists plans are "ready to go" to legislate for another breakaway... To paraphrase Shakespeare :- Tory halves, both alike in dignity, In fair Westminster, where we lay our scene, From ancient...
sad to say there is no evidence. confirmed
Am I mistaken or of late has pub food become lower quality and the atmosphere less pleasant while the price has skyrocketed ? Difficult to find a nearby pub I really want to eat at any more. Time was... Oh no! Does this mean Dacre may not get his...
It finally looks like internal dissent, and the brutal actions by the regime against women and young people in particular, is reaching critical mass in Iran. Let's hope that change can happen without...
Nooo.... not you. ;O) Does anyone remember back in the Dark Ages about a hundred years ago - or at least it feels like that sometimes - when we could award one, two or three stars to answers on our... In the current climate I reckon it’s a strong possibility. /The Royal College of Nursing is balloting all of its UK members for strike action for the first... What was all that guff yesterday about growth? /Fitch revealed on Wednesday night...