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i purchased insurance for my motorbike and went off to work on it fully confident that everythig was legal and above board. On my way home i was stopped by the police and asked to produce my documents...
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i have just been caught for speeding on motorway and given instant fine and going to have 3 points, i have just found out that the car who is owned by my father didnt have an mot on it, he purchased...
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My son, a bus driver, has just been given a ?20 ticket for parking his bus at a stop for more than 5 minutes with the engine running. Unfortunately, there were 2 council officials hiding sneakily...
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When do currant affaairs become history!!!
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Does anybody know if it is a new law to take a re-test at the age of 75
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I was watching the news this morning and saw that the oldest living person alive is celebrating her 128th birthday. I hope I live to be in my 80's never mind older, would you like to live that long...
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Do you think Air Miles Beckett is going to make a good Foreign Secretary or has she been given the job to justify the 100,000 miles she does on " ministerial business " and is out there visiting...
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If Tony Blair steps down as Prime Minister,does Gordon Brown just automatically take over as Prime Minister,or is there a general election? thanks
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Why do men lie? Before anyone asks no im not posting this because i feel bitter. Im honestly just curious. Men treat woman all nice and everything then BAM, they lie! Why cant men just be upfront?
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I've not had any of my questions or answers deleted from AB, but someone posted something up about AB deleting posts that are too 'chatty' ...... are we not allowed to be chatty then? I think theres...
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seeing as it's St Georges day today. How many of you are proud to be English? All my family and friends think I'm barking to be as patriotic as I am, for example when we're having convos about what...
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...i read that april showers are not going to stop any hosepipe bans....anyone else think the water shortage is caused by the ever increasing car washes, which are popping up everywhere ?
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what is the best way to get revenge on your next door neighbours car he stuck a potato up my exhast pipe. any ideas?
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I was wondering why people on this website often presume the other users are lying about themselves. I have never lied about anything on this website and I would never presume anyone else was either....
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Urban Myth? Any coppers out there enlighten us?
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Why are people advised to always get out of their car if they break down and pull up on the hard shoulder of a motorway? As a driver, I have never been irresistably drawn to coming out of my lane in...
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Why does the light continue to flash after starting the car and driving off?
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What is the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to you?I was taking my dog for a walk along the docks when I was 17 and was new to England and spoke practically no English. A sailor came...
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Are members of the Labour Party really happy that Cherie's ?7000 hairdresser's bill has been charged to them? Was it value for money?
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After reading the thread below I had a look at the BNP website but couldn't find anything in relation to homosexuality or civil partnerships. Anyone know their policies on this?

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