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Has Robbin Sunak and his band of crooked Tories done a deal with the UK funded French Cops as they stood back yesterday and watched as the immigrants load up the boats to set out to illegally ... ...
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Will Wragg destroy Sunak. Just like Pincher destoyed Boris ?                                 🤣Hope... ...
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Where has she gone to ?. Where is Boris, Cameron and Gove hiding her.Why is it taking so long for the Crime Agency to bring this Tory Cheat and her Husband to trial .Where is Michelle Mone Is she... ...
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Rishi and Jeremy Have taken a pair of bolt cutters to the triple lock rise for State pensioners.By giving them a £692 a year rise for Basic pension with one hand, and taking back £530 with the... ...
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Shows that The Tories have slumped to their lowest level ever in their "Blue Wall " Stongholds .  With Sunak given warning of a Leadership Challenge if the Cons suffer disastrous  results at the... ...
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The Lunatics are running the Asylum.Rishi has opened the back door to let Boris back in after the latest nightmare election poll .This is Sunak's latest desperate panick attack after being told he... ...
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Tory Chaos will restart on the day after polling Day. If they are not well and Truly Booted out at the GE.  Rishi Sunak promised an era of stability when he took control but instead he has allowed... ...
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Pledge number five in Sunaks manifesto was to reduce the number of boat people arriving in the Uk. Sunak  is even claiming he has reduced the number of boats arriving.         5.000 have arrived... ...
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A new poll amongst 15,000 people shows,Tories are only likely to hold on to 100 seats or even less at the General Election.With Labour to sweep the Board with 468 seats  Even Sunak and Hunt could... ...
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Taxpayers are to pick up a record breaking bill of £10 million when the 66 Tory Mps stand down at the general election . Each of these departing Tory MPs will each trouser an average £19,000 to... ...
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Sunak has yet another headache on the way, As former Tory MP  Scott Benton resigns .Tiggering a by election for Blackpool south after being caught out by an under cover reporter.
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Three hour wait to board Ferries at Dover as extra processing time  because of Brexit, is causing delays. Wonder how many of these delayed travellers voted for Brexit...Enjoy.
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Things are getting better by the day in the lead up to the General Election.  For Labour. Professor Sir John Curtice has delivered a dire warning to The Tories as they continue to languish behind... ...
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The Tory Twisting dept have been caught out lying again Using an on line video .Saying London under Labour has become crime capital of the world .Showing a scene of a panicking crowd fleeing in... ...
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Can anyone get Legal aid in Britain .What are the qualifications.  It appears if you are an illegal immigrant it is quite simple as this Govt has just spent £70 million of taxpayers money on Legal... ...
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GB News looks set to lose its Licence to Broadcast After Impartiality Breach Ruled by Ofcom.  How on earth will Jacob Rees Mogg, and the rest of the high ranking Tory Party survive when they lose... ...

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