Last one, and I don't understand how the clue works. 26a The country's broadcast smear (6) -R-E-E I'm guessing it's GREECE ... does "broadcast" indicate "sounds like" or "similar", or have I got it...
I've got the answer to 5d as "NOODLE" but I don't follow the clue: "Old duffer, Noel, awful without make-up". There's an anagram of "noel" in there, but don't understand how "without make-up"...
Still battling to get the hang of Cyclops. Advice for these please: 8a Having gone downhill, it's fun getting pear-shaped, smarmy kiss (5-3) ---E-/E-- 4d Buzz, getting behind, becomes aggressive (4-3)...
I’ve got some ideas for the final three clues, but I’m jiggered if I can work out why from the clues! All help gratefully received: 11a Ecstasy time at organised games (9) T.A.S...T 10d Press line in...
Stuck on how to work out 19 Down: "What Trump was supposed to do over USA, before going to the edge" (7) ---S--- Hoping this will help with my final two of the across clues so that I can complete the...
I am struggling with: 43d: Crap keeps one quiet in Test (6) -R-S-Y Several possible options, but I can't work out the cryptic elements to make the correct choice. Any advice will be greatly...
I'm struggling to get in tune with the setter of this crossword, so would appreciate some help to make some headway: 9a New birches developed around medium soil (8) -E---R-- 3d Self-governing...
I am so annoyed that I can't solve these - please put me out of my misery! 2d Late - delay, say, is a heavy burden (4,6) E-A-/W-I-H- Now I'm thinking that the second word is "weight", but I...
17d Plant to hang loosely below cushion (7) -E-N-A-
Last one for me, so I'm convinced everything else is correct, but can't come up with anything for this....
I managed to get cracking on this as soon as it dropped through the letterbox, but three clues have left me stumped: 15a: Military unit with no time for diet (7) -E-I-E- 24a: Short boy carrying...
My mind is blank - your help with these will hopefully get it moving again: 1a Answer about second page on the Kent area (8) ------S- 11a Many man put off swallowing Ecstasy (7) ------N 28a Scrap...
Some pointers needed please, to get my poor brain working on a Monday: 12A Heroic Greek units holding an elevated position (8) A------- 6D Buildings in the grounds (8) ----I--- 19D Pasta cooked the...