17d Plant to hang loosely below cushion (7) -E-N-A-
Last one for me, so I'm convinced everything else is correct, but can't come up with anything for this....
I managed to get cracking on this as soon as it dropped through the letterbox, but three clues have left me stumped: 15a: Military unit with no time for diet (7) -E-I-E- 24a: Short boy carrying...
My mind is blank - your help with these will hopefully get it moving again: 1a Answer about second page on the Kent area (8) ------S- 11a Many man put off swallowing Ecstasy (7) ------N 28a Scrap...
Some pointers needed please, to get my poor brain working on a Monday: 12A Heroic Greek units holding an elevated position (8) A------- 6D Buildings in the grounds (8) ----I--- 19D Pasta cooked the...
This is a pathetic question i know. 24 across .writer by south africas flat topped hill or tableland with steep edges. 4(yes 4) letters -e-a last one , thanks in advance
I need some help to inspire me, please: 1a Like a fair lady's rejected suitor? (5-7) -A---/--A---- 8d Do they command the medical corps? (7,6) -O---R-/------ 9d Score that's ten times more (6,7)...
Hi, I've searched as best I could for previous versions of this, and just have one clue remaining, which relates to London Tube Stations: 29. TV Doctor went on Horseback TIA!
Some of the clues are quite bizarre, and not my idea of cryptic, so your thoughts on these would be very welcome: 5d Service introduces extraordinary powers of freedom (7) R-S-I-- 15a Champion with...
Hi, I've starting doing this crossword each Monday and am having some success with the regular setter: Dante, but would love some advice on some clues this week please: 11a Constituent parts of...