8D Shades of Eleanor Rigby and Lovely Rita (10) S???L???E? Is the answer sunglasses? If so why? 15A Article mostly leading to split in the economy (6) ?E???T
4D Start to attend some rock music (7) 1D Percussion instument's character in sound reproduction (6) 16A Monetary system covering RBS possibly provides elevated protection (7) is the answer ETERNAL?
21D L?N?M Des Moines and New York link up briefly (5) 1D P?A?T Let's say Mars bars energy works (5) 18A D?A?S?? Finish off broth and ask cooks for curry (7)
12D Game learner in Ford briefly drove at last (3,8) P?P?A?????? 10A Italian artist's incompatable clothing (7) 25A Woman raising footballing issue makes MCC morose(6,3)
6D Thief better keeping a thousand(with 19A, 17, say) (6) is the answer mugger? ( the answer to 17A is 'get the picture') 20A State school knocked back (5) E?T?? is the answer elton? 19D Good crowds...