no sex for nine years.36.period spotting.last smear 3 years ago.regular periods then pink spotting then flooding for seven days.think i have cancer.v depressed
This might sound strange but has anyone experienced squeaky eye balls ? My right eye ball often squeaks when I close my eye tight. It always becomes quite sore afterwards. Any advice gratefully...
Been invited out twice at the weekend both by people that I know and would like to be in two places at once.Ones's a birthday ash and the other I don't what it's in aid of but I guess I could ask.One...
My son committed suicide nearly 6 years ago. He left behind a 2 1/2 year old son. He understands his daddy is dead and that he is not going to come back. He says his daddy is now the brightest star in...
i always thought i was crazy cause i have all these really dark torturous thoghts about killing and hurting people or myself, and i'd hear voices telling me to do things or warning me of something to...
I've met a man who is actually my doctor. He is a similar age to me. I felt `vibes' from him. (I've had 4 appointments for an ongoing issue) He's very sweet and seemed to get tongue-tied a couple of...
My hair is dyed black and I would like to go brown again. Does anyone know how I can strip out the colour at home? I can't get to a hairdressers at the moment as I've just had a major operation and...