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Now, this is by nature a well-worn topic. Can anyone give me their own take on why everything *is*. . . I come from a Methodist Christian family and for them, everything is pretty much sewn up. Most...
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I've been told I have Alcohol Flush Reaction, which basically means that I lack an enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) which breaks down alcohol in the liver. Therefore, to all intents and purposes, I'm...
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I couldn't find a topic that pertained to this, so sry if it doesn't belong here. Ok, I have a circle that is 24 feet in diameter. I would like to put a 12 pointed circle that is 26 feet in diameter...
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Hi, What is the significance of a 21st birthday, why 21?
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Co-op use biodegradable plastic bags - how do these work? What are they made from? Why don't all shops use them?
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I was just reading "How quick is evolution?" question when Bob a job said "toby19 i hope your joking,this is the science section." So does anyone believe or is everyone here atheist? Discuss. Sorry...
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Let me use an example here with human. Say a few homans stared being born with an extra finger or even a finger less. If this was deemed to benefit them, how quickly would the entire human race begin...
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Is there anything I can do to a speaker that will dampen the bass sound coming from it? I was thinking to putting a sponge into the hole at the back, but I'm not sure.
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HI, i was wondering how many active ABers are there?
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If I want to be a doctor I have to sit exams and show I know what I'm doing, if I want to be a psychologist the same, if I want to be a nuclear scientist the same, if I want to be a London cabbie I...
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My 18 month old wakes up 3-7 times per night. Crying, having a fit, wanting 2-3 bottles and proceeds to climb in the bed with me, or wants to go on the couch with daddy to sleep. She has been...
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how can we differentiate methanol and ethanol?
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I'm trying to tone up and be healthy so I am eating the following: breakfast: cereal or tea cake lunch: low fat crisps, sandwich, apple, low fat bar of sum kind snack: cereal tea: healthy living...
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why as my cat got 9 legs at the back an dnone at the front. and aer cat legs eadible.
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Does anybody have any suggestions on how to concive a girl?
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Was the new Dr Who series shown last Saturday?
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If there is no point to life, i.e. we just die & thats it, is there actually such thing as right & wrong? is morality just relative to that which benefits humans -i.e. behaviour which is...
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in august of last yaer my girlfriend had her bellybutton pierced. she was told it would take a fairly long time to heal, but it still isnt right. the hole is weird, it will be fine at first then it...
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When I was a kid, I use to love playing with my toy gun which fires paper caps. Could someone tell me what's that smell when the caps are fired?
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 can it cause cystitis

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