Hi, i was wondering if people might be able to suggest some good vintage car rallys/shows in the UK, similar to Goodwood? Could be anywhere any time of year. Look forward to receiving some...
It's very hazy and quite vague - but I remember it was something to do with the weather and they came out of a cuckoo clock. Told you it was vague! Does anybody remember a programme like this?! It's...
What are the chances of getting planning permission to build on the site of an old dutch barn? Its just a musing really, but my partner's father owns a 270 acre farm, which in 15 years has not been...
I was looking into how bankers can cause the collapse of market by buying into credit default swaps then essentially causing the panic which causes the crash. But... I was wondering how the FSA didn't...
Basically I was employed by a retail shop as a part time worker but left to go to Uni. However, the manager said to me everytime I returned home my job was waiting for me, which i did on several...
i want to watch something online on abc 12 - thing is i don't know which of the three times zones this channel falls into. it's michigan predominantly i think, but i don't know if thats eastern or...
I have an audition for a theatre school and I'm unsure of one thing - in my monologue my character is talking directly to someone - do I imagine my other character or look at the panel? I'm unsure of...
I'm at uni and for our next assignment we have to do a scene about 15 minutes in length and all with roughly equal parts. There is me another female and a male in my group! The only play we have so...
My friend is hoping to audition for the National Youth Theatre and wants to come up with a more original monologue then Shakespeare, but needs a credible play to take the monologue from. She's 15 so...
I know you can buy some that last for a thirty day span, but are there any that have a longer lifespan? i'd like a pair but it'd seem a waste if it ws restricted to a short period of time.
About a month ago I felt my bottom rib on my left hand side sticking out more than usual. I went to the doctor but as there was no pain or discomfort they said to just leave it at that. Now my whole...
If you have had x-rays can you ask to keep the actual images are do they go into some sort of medical portfolio? It's just when I broke my arm, the fracture looked almost comical and I always wanted...
My boss at work has made in palpably clear that she has a personal dislike of me, and now I feel she is trying to drive me out of my job by cutting my hours. I am quite stubbornly refusing to quit and...
I was just wondering if there was any song (share reasons if you feel it appropriate) that makes you a little weepy?Wires but Athlete, that sets me off a bit. I also get a bit bleary eyed while...
I have to do a book comparison for my english, I'm supposed to be comparing curious incident of the dog.... with any other book of A-level standard. Apparently comparing two characters isnt an option...
i need to write a presentation comparing two poems one pre 1914 and one post, with similar themes. i'm supposed to present this tomorrow and i'm drawing a blank, can anyone help?