7,27dn Greek land-lines (5,3,4) ????? ?n? ?a?s. The clue for 1ac is Roman land-lines (8), the answer to which is "Georgics", Virgil's poetic work on rural affairs. I hope that's a help and...
I was ruled against by an English county court over alleged debt and informed that there was no resource to appeal. Is this true of English county court decisions?
I'm getting nowhere with my local income tax office, i.e. they will not answer their 'phone! I have 3 simple questions which I am sure someone out there will know the answers to. 1. Can a cohabitee...
Why do the English have difficulty with the letter 'H' ? eg Wales is pronounced the same as whales, when is wen and what is wot. The word 'because' is pronounced 'bekizz' by tv people - are youse aw...